FaciliTec er i vekst og trenger en ny, positiv og engasjert medarbeider til vårt team for et kundeoppdrag på Tjuvholmen i Oslo. Vi ser etter en kandidat som er praktisk anlagt og som trives med varierte arbeidsoppgaver. Stillingen krever at man kan arbeide både selvstendig og i team.

FaciliTec is a large and powerful player that supplies all services within facility management, property management and administration in the Nordics and Poland. We develop and adopt digital platforms and focus on technology that lifts the industry to a new level.

We offer innovative solutions for our customers, and in a simple and future-oriented way we manage our customers' properties. We have specialist expertise in internal control and energy management and have a focus on technology, sustainability and quality. FaciliTec shall be a preferred partner and expertise company within traditional services, property development, project management and energy consultancy.

We make it easy!


Work assignments


Working time


Wanted qualifications


We offer


Stillingen rapporterer til Site Manager.