
To personer i grønn parkdress som måker snø på et tak og kaster snøen ned fra taket. I bakgrunnen er det sollys og et gult bygg. Foto

Vaktmestertjenester for borettslag og sameier

Why You Should Use Facilitec's Property Services In a busy everyday life, it can be challenging to keep buildings and properties in top condition. This is where Facilitec comes in as your reliable partner.

Kurs i Systematiskt Brannvernsarbeid i Sverige

Courses in Systematic Fire Safety Work in Sweden: A Path towards Safety

Courses in Systematic Fire Safety Work in Sweden: A Path towards Safety

EcoVadis silver for FaciliTec – with a percentile of 85

EcoVadis evaluates environmental, ethical trade and sustainability measures. FaciliTec is very proud to have been awarded a silver medal – with a percentile of 85.

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